I occasionally...okay, not so occasionally...have a hard time being told no. I don't like it, and I don't see why I should have to hear it, especially if it's because of some arbitrary rule. The phrase corporate policy sends my blood pressure through the roof. It's somebody telling me I can't have what I want because of some bullshit rule that someone else made up, and I have, like, zero tolerance for that kind of frustration.
I was at the store today, trying to return something, and the guy just wouldn't do it. Not couldn't...wouldn't. Just didn't want to go out of his way to help my day suck just a little bit less. And so I felt very motivated to make his day suck just a little bit more. So while he's sticking to exactly the letter of his job, I told him his store was fucking retarded and their policy fucking sucked. I may have also told him to bite me as I walked away.
I'm not terribly proud of acting like a spoiled brat, but I don't think I would've been any prouder of myself for keeping it inside and not saying it. I would've felt angry for a lot longer if I'd have swallowed it. I don't really see the value in being fake nice when I'm actually pissed. I know this doesn't help me get my way any more, but it keeps me from feeling like I'm getting trampled all the time. A little more finesse would probably be nice, but I'll take foul-mouthed and bitchy over steamrollered any day.
hhmm...I am curious as to the details of the failed Customer Service encounter, but I know that's not the point of your post.
ReplyDeleteNegative Energy is tough to deal with. Stress is known to be extremely destructive to people, so doing what you can to limit it in your life is a good thing. Sounds to me like he got what he deserved and you let go of the junk you needed to let out so it's a Win Win!
You already know it, but I'll say it anyway. We like you because you're smart, fun, and willing to do a little introspection. If Kari Ann bugs you that much, it's very likely that your own Princess response to things is something you're not particularly proud of. My police officer friends call it "Entitlement Syndrome". While in some instances it can be annoying and inconvenient (like those guys who are complete dicks to new wait staff or cut everyone off in traffic to get up to the same red light), it's also a self preservation method.
ReplyDeleteI'll leave it at that. Identifying our own flaws is very hard to swallow. Being able to acknowledge them through watching others (like you have done here) is noble, to say the least.
LOL, Admitting you have a problem is the first step ;)
Most personality traits are only flaws out of context: corporate policy should not be an excuse to refuse you; it should be an environment in which the business of satisfying you the customer is conducted. "If you could perhaps check at home for your receipt; or maybe we could check for the transaction on your card..." But if you're getting treated badly, there is ZERO reason to stand for it.
ReplyDeleteSo Joe Asshat, Jr is within his little box to be a snot. Fine... His boss is probably capable of satisfying you twice; once by granting your return request, and again by expressing clear dissatisfaction to The Guy Who Pisses Off Customers. And Joe Asshat Jr may just behave himself next time.
The princessly opinion that you the customer should be treated fairly is not only reasonable, but it is actively useful to the rest of us. If enough people boycott, badmouth or otherwise damage the store's ability to take money unfairly, they'll either FIX their damn policy, or go out of business, and leave room for someone who will.
Channeling reasonable anger in useful ways is a difficult skill, and one that takes a long time to learn. You've had a number of years when your right to speak your mind was severely curtailed; it's only natural that you would wish to have better facility with it.
As to the brats on TV; they ARE that. they have enough money (and no other appealing features) that they have come to believe that waving cash around allows any stupid behaviour they wish to indulge in. They are ALSO poor at expressing their desires, but the difference is that THEY are willing to steamroller others. Which is something that you do NOT do.